Park Models – Your Long Term Vacation Solution

parkmodels2Park models have become a popular option for those looking for an affordable, long-term living option. Although they’re categorized as RVs and offer the convenience of being towable from site to site, these homes are typically parked on a seasonal basis at extended stay parks. Depending on the size of the park model you own you can either tow them using your own truck or may need to hire a team of professional movers. Whatever you choose, you’re sure to love the convenience and flexibility these RVs afford you.

Legally, park models in the U.S. must stay at or below 400 square feet. While 400 square feet may seem small, it actually provides ample living space. Many floorplans feature lofts, which increase the amount of space you get to live in, but do not count toward the actual square footage. Because they lack the holding tanks that most RVs have today, park models hook up to residential utilities. They also feature residential sized kitchens, dishwashers, cabinets, and more.

Often touted as ‘tiny homes’ park models range from 1-3 bedrooms, which allows you to welcome guests into your home without having to worry about having enough space to ensure they’re comfortable. Park models also give you the opportunity to decorate and customize your space.

inside park modelPark models are a popular option amongst snow birds and those who enjoy splitting their time between two regions in the U.S. They’re the ideal alternative for anyone seeking their own space away from the noise and crowds you’ll typically encounter at hotels and resorts. Additionally, park models are becoming increasingly popular amongst savvy business owners who have begun to use them as offices, and home owners who use them as guest homes.

Regardless of how you plan to use your park model you’ll love the flexibility, privacy, and space they promise you. If you’re interested in a park model contact our team at Hitch. We have a large selection of park model homes from Kropf Industries and Skyline at our Turnersville, New Jersey and Milford, Delaware locations and our team has the experience necessary to answer your questions and help you make an informed decision.

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