3 RV Tips for Homeschooling On-the-Go

Raise your hand if you have kids and have thought about just packing up the RV and homeschooling during the year! There’s probably a lot more of you now since COVID hit the U.S. This is such an awesome concept and we have a few RV tips of our own that might help as you learn to navigate this new normal in your new RV.


Kids Hammocking


1. The Outdoors Aren’t Just for Releasing All the Energy

Nature is awesome–and I know it’s easy just to let your kids run wild and free while they’re outside. But what if you used it to educate them, as well? Lead them on “nature walks” where they have to find certain leaves and identify them. Help them spot birds and see if they can name them. Make it fun! You can even have competitions where they earn candy if they win!


2. Read the Local History

Homeschooling your kids in such a small space will be exhausting. But make sure they’re doing the one thing they can do anywhere–reading. Read a special book with them altogether in the evenings over the fire or have them read books by themselves and earn rewards for finishing them.

One of the best things to do when in an RV and traveling the U.S. is to find books that are about the places you’re going to next! Have them get involved in the history of places around the country by having them read stories about people who previously lived there–or mix it up and have them read fictional stories about people who lived there! Whatever you do, read a lot. RVs are the perfect place for this fun past time.


3. Keep It Simple

Let them hammock while they do their homework. Have them relax in their bunks at night with a good book they picked out themselves. Allow them to have their own quiet times while the other kids are doing homework. Make sure that whatever you do, it’s simple for the kids. They’ll love traveling around, but it can be difficult living in such a small space and also doing schoolwork there, as well.

The easier you make it for them, the easier it’ll be for you!


Have Fun!

This is such a unique experience for both you and your kids to be able to travel and see places and still work on school. You’ll have hard days, sure, but it’ll all be worth it to experience such adventures with your whole family. If you have been thinking about this but haven’t taken the leap yet, take a look at our New RVs for sale. Contact us with any questions and we’ll help you find the best layouts for the family looking to homeschool there. We wish you happy camping around the country!

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